We are thrilled to announce CONNECT by Drift — an open-source wallet extension designed to enable MetaMask users to experience Drift’s unparalleled trading platform more seamlessly than ever before.
With CONNECT by Drift, you can now utilise Drift’s suite of DeFi products in a familiar, frictionless way with your MetaMask wallet.
Trade Seamlessly and Securely on Drift with MetaMask!
CONNECT by Drift is an open-source wallet extension powered by MetaMask Snaps. It’s designed to provide MetaMask users with a frictionless way to connect and trade on Drift with their MetaMask wallet. This means MetaMask wallets will be automatically detected — you’ll be able to connect to Drift and sign transactions natively with MetaMask.
If you don’t have funds on Solana, Drift makes it easier than ever to bridge assets from EVM chains to your new wallet. After you connect, our integration with Mayan Swaps will allow you to effortlessly bridge assets like ETH, wBTC, and USDC from EVM chains like Ethereum and Arbitrum into native assets on Solana at the best prices possible!
CONNECT by Drift is open source and fully audited by Ottersec. Read the full report here.
What is MetaMask Snaps?
Snaps expands the capabilities of the MetaMask platform, allowing users to interact with dApps on any chain securely with a familiar UI. MetaMask Snaps is open-source, enabling builders to extend the functionality of MetaMask to create new Web3 experiences safely.
For more in-depth information on MetaMask Snaps, you can check out their website here.
Zero Relayer Fees
For 2 weeks after launch, all Mayan Swaps via Drift will have ZERO relayer fees! This promotion will be available from September 14th - September 28th.
Additional Perks
More coming soon! 🤫
Adding CONNECT by Drift to your dApp
For more information on how to include CONNECT by Drift into your dApp or create your own snap, click here.
Get Started with CONNECT by Drift
1. Connect your MetaMask wallet
Click the Connect button in the top right corner to get started. If you have MetaMask installed, CONNECT by Drift will automatically detect the wallet.
Select MetaMask to continue.

2. Install MetaMask Snaps
If this is your first time interacting with a MetaMask Snap, you'll be prompted within MetaMask to install it.

3. Connect to Drift
Next, you'll be prompted to connect to Drift via MetaMask Snaps.
Once you connect, a new Solana-compatible wallet will automatically be created in MetaMask.

4. Fund your wallet
To start trading on Drift, your new MetaMask wallet will need SOL for transaction fees and you'll need to deposit collateral onto Drift. The onboarding flow will guide you from one step to the next.
You can use Mayan Swaps to bridge assets from your EVM wallet to your Solana wallet, all in one step!

If you'd like to fund your new MetaMask wallet from another Solana wallet, select "Fund from another wallet".
5. Fund your wallet
To start trading on Drift, your new MetaMask wallet will need SOL for transaction fees and you'll need to deposit collateral onto Drift. The onboarding flow will guide you from one step to the next.
You can use Mayan Swaps to bridge assets from your EVM wallet to your Solana wallet, all in one step!
6. Deposit Collateral to Drift
Once funds have been added to the wallet, you're ready to deposit collateral to Drift for trading.
If you've exited the onboarding flow accidentally, you can click on Bridge to use Mayan Swaps or Wormhole.
To deposit collateral, you can click on the Deposit/Withdraw button.

7. Managing funds in your MetaMask Solana Wallet
MetaMask Snaps is currently in Open Beta and does not yet support viewing funds/balances from within MetaMask itself. You can view your MetaMask Solana Wallet balances within Drift by accessing the account dropdown and selecting Manage Metamask Wallet.

For more information on CONNECT by Drift, check out our docs here.
Get Started
Visit https://app.drift.trade and start using MetaMask to trade on-chain with leverage, borrow/lend, and earn yield safely with Drift!